A diversificação é uma estratégia de gestão de risco através do investimento em ativos de diversas áreas geográficas e indústrias, de modo a reduzir o risco associado ao seu plano de investimento.
© Dolat Capital, Empresa de Investimento, S.A. All rights reserved.
Dolat Capital, Empresa de Investimento, S.A., with registered offices at Avenida Miguel Bombarda, 42 – 6.º D, 1050-166 in Lisbon, NIPC 513852441, with CMVM registration number 368, through its digital platform, provides investment advice of a specific nature to its clients, based, among other things, on their risk profile and financial objectives. The information contained on this website is generic and does not constitute a recommendation or investment advice. Past returns are not a guarantee of future returns.